
  • Revive the inherent knowledge that humans are nature by creating meaningful opportunities for children and adults to fully experience and actively engage with living systems.
  • Promote the reclamation, protection and preservation of natural, historical, and agricultural green spaces.
  • Create engaging place-based education programs and tourism opportunities to educate consumers of the environmental, nutritional, and economic benefits of local food networks.
  • Engage school groups, institutions of higher learning, and community organizations in place-based, service-learning activities to nurture multi-generational, cooperative communities.
  • Facilitate the understanding of the triple bottom line to encourage a new generation of green entrepreneurs.

Place-Conscious Education for Sustainable Development: Supporting Diffusion, Transfer, and Creation of Sustainable Technologies (Rhodes, 2016) provides the theoretical framework for the realization of Listen to the Land‘s mission.  It includes lesson plans to demonstrate ways in which the mission can be practically applied.

Connecting people to the lessons of the land; Promoting entrepreneurial stewardship and bioregional economies